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14–16 % of all hospital infections fall on postoperative wound infections (T.G. Weiser et al., An estimation of the global volume of surgery // Lancet.– No. 372(9633). – 2008. – P. 139–144)
- In 30 % of cases the Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection does not respond to treatment with the commercially available drugs (Antibiotic Therapy Crisis, or Where to Find the Solution // Farmatsevticheskii vestnik, No. 31 (2009))
- In inpatient surgical and burn units 80–100 % of Enterobacteriaceae and gram-negative bacteria strains, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, show clinical resistance to rivanol, furacillin, chloramine, cetyl pyridinium chloride, aethonium and decamethoxin (Handbuch der Antiseptik. ‑ Berlin: Veb. Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, 1984)
- 77–88% of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative staphylococcus strains are resistant to furacillin and chloramine (Handbuch der Antiseptik. ‑ Berlin: Veb. Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, 1984)
- The infection probability for clean surgical wounds is 1-5 %, for clean-contaminated is 3-11 %, for contaminated is 10-17 %, and for dirty is more than 27 % (V.K. Gostischev, Ways and possibilities of infectious complication prophylaxis in surgery // in Methodical Recommendations: Rational Approaches and Prophylaxis of Infectious Complications in Surgery, Moscow (1997) 2-11; V.N. Stepanov, Perioperative prophylaxis of infections // New Med. Journal, No. 2 (1998) 23-24)
- Almost 75 % of hospital wards are infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (B. McCaughey, Coming Clean // NY Times. ‑ June 6th, 2005)
- 98 % of chronic wounds are contaminated by aerobic organisms (T. Fishman, An ounce of prevention. Keeps Feet Healthy, // Woundcare Newsletter. 2005. ‑ No. 2(5). ‑ P. 55-56)
- About 2 million people die annually from hospital infections (RM Klevens et al., Estimating health care-associated infections and deaths in U.S. hospitals // Public Health Reports. ‑ V. 122. ‑ 2007. ‑ P. 160‑166)